Задание 11 из ЕГЭ по английскому языку: задача 18

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Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Запишите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в поле ответа.

Traditionally, objects at least 100 years old were considered antique — that was the minimum threshold put in place by the most prestigious antique fairs and showrooms. But as demand for antiques has been in steady decline in the West for decades, values have changed. In 2009, the Winter Show, a high-end New York antique fair, relaxed their rules to include objects manufactured up to 1969. Later, in 2016, they set no minimum age limit at all, A___________.

“Since 2000, the world of antiques has suffered a dramatic downturn and in retrospect, I can understand why,” says Caroline de Cabarrus, an interior design consultant in the UK. “By the 1990s, the worldwide demand for English antiques had pushed prices to unprecedentedly high levels. This encouraged inferior quality, mass-produced Georgian-style reproductions to appear on the market.” Soon these became ubiquitous for furnishing kitsch pubs, B&Bs and hotels. So instead of antiques, B___________.

Flat-pack now dominates the cheaper end of the market. Over the past few decades, the growth of low-cost self-assembly furniture has been dizzying, fuelling a disposable culture C___________.

A fashion for minimalism in recent years has also contributed to the decline of antique demand, says de Cabarrus. “Living spaces were shrinking D___________. Bare floorboards, neutral-coloured walls and a few pieces of Scandi flat-pack became the narrative ‘du jour’. Built-in storage caused a mass redundancy of antique wardrobes and chests of drawers, E___________.”

So, while there may still be niche, high-end designers selling objects that endure, with so many people favouring cheap, replaceable homeware over heirlooms, it begs the question of F___________. And if that’s the case with furniture, it may also apply to another category of items now populating our homes: technology.

  1. many interior designers turned to neutral flat-pack furniture
  2. because contemporary objects were more sought-after
  3. which are now gathering dust in the backs of country warehouses
  4. by the most prestigious antique fairs and showrooms
  5. as house prices increased
  6. whether our descendants will be left with nothing from us
  7. where items are regularly replaced, rather than cherished for generations

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