Задание 11 из ЕГЭ по английскому языку: задача 19

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Dwarf Giraffes, Gimli and Nigel

Standing over 8 feet tall would be considered intimidating or, at least, respectable for most species. Unless, of course, you are a giraffe — A___________ — and are surrounded by cohorts who are at least twice as tall! Meet Gimli and Nigel, the world’s first-known “mini” giraffes!

The 2.8 m Gimli was first spotted at Uganda’s Murchison Falls National Park in 2015, B___________.

“We quite literally did a double-take when we saw this unusual giraffe to make sure that our eyes were not deceiving us,” Dr. Michael Brown, a conservation science fellow with the Giraffe Conservation Foundation and the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, told Forbes in ane-mail. Fortunately, the researchers were able to confirm its existence twice again — C___________. Dr. Brown estimates that Gimli was about 15 months old at the last sighting.

The even shorter, 2.5 m Nigel was found at a private farm in Namibia in 2018. Born in 2014, the four-year-old was approaching adulthood when discovered. “While the Namibian farmer had spotted Nigel regularly over the years, it was only after our observations D___________,” said Emma Wells, the Giraffe Conservation Foundation researcher who photographed Nigel. “It is mainly in comparison to other giraffes that his difference in stature becomes obvious.”

The scientists say the two male giraffes sport different body structures. Gimli has an abnormally sized-body with short stubby legs, while Nigel is proportionately small. Dr. Brown told Forbes, “The Ugandan giraffe had shorter metacarpal and radius bones, but its neck was normal-sized for a subadult giraffe. Conversely, the Namibian giraffe had a shorter metacarpal, radius, and neck dimensions than E___________.”

Since giraffes use their long legs to both flee from and kick predators, the two dwarf animals — especially Gimli, with his stubby legs — are certainly at a disadvantage in the wild. However, Dr. Brown believes that their chances of living a long life look promising F___________. They also happen to reside in areas with low predation rates. We sure hope these adorable animals are around for a long time!

  1. that he realized that Nigel was not a juvenile but a fully grown male giraffe
  2. during a routine photographic survey to track animal populations
  3. in December 2016 and March 2017
  4. while the giraffes comprise two distinct species and are not related to each other
  5. the world’s tallest animal
  6. given that both have survived the crucial first year
  7. what we would expect for a giraffe of his age

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