Задание 11 из ЕГЭ по английскому языку: задача 15

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Smoo Cave

At the eastern end of the extended village of Durness is the car park for Smoo Cave. “Smoo” is a name thought to derive from the Old Norse “Smuga” which means “hiding place”.

It is entirely possible that the “hiding place” that so appealed to the Vikings was not so much the cave itself as the extremely narrow and steep sided inlet A___________. Traces have been found of a fishing and shipbuilding community living and working here during the Viking era, and it is easy to imagine that this was an ideal place for a community that wanted to stay undetected by anyone sailing by, B___________. The earliest evidence of occupation of the cave goes back much further, to around 5,000 years ago.

Near the car park are a series of interpretive boards, C___________. The most obvious feature as you begin your descent is the inlet running north out to the sea. Then your attention is gripped by the large flat-topped rock on the eastern side of the cleft. But as you near the foot of the descent you come into view of the main attraction, D___________.

After crossing the river by means of a wooden footbridge, E___________. This chamber measures some 200 feet long, 130 feet wide, and is 50 feet high at the entrance. It is easy to imagine that a sizeable community might have made its home in the cave, and so long as you didn’t pick one of the many spots F___________, you’d have probably been able to keep relatively warm and comfortable here.

  1. which extends for a third of a mile back to the mouth of the cave from the inhospitable cliff-girt shoreline to the north
  2. and when the quantity of water flowing down the river is low enough
  3. the huge gaping mouth of Smoo Cave itself
  4. where water drips down from the roof
  5. and from here a set of steps descends the west side of the cleft
  6. in an age when far more travellers journeyed by sea than overland
  7. a path heads into the first chamber of Smoo Cave

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