Задание 11 из ЕГЭ по английскому языку: задача 3

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Electric Car Batteries with Five-minute Charging Times Produced

Car makers are spending a lot of money on electric cars. In the future, electric cars will replace petrol cars. Environmentalists believe A___________. A big problem for electric cars is charging the battery. Some batteries in today’s electric cars can take up to 12 hours to charge fully.

Batteries capable of fully charging in five minutes have been produced in a factory for the first time, B___________. Electric vehicles are a vital part of action to tackle the climate crisis C___________. The new lithium-ion batteries were developed by the Israeli company StoreDot and manufactured by Eve Energy in China on standard production lines. StoreDot has already demonstrated its “extreme fast-charging” battery in phones, drones and scooters and the 1,000 batteries it has now produced are to showcase its technology to carmakers and other companies. The batteries can be fully charged in five minutes D___________.

The new batteries could totally transform driving E___________. Many people with electric cars today suffer from “range anxiety”. This is stress caused by worrying about the battery running out of electricity. A StoreDot spokesperson said: “You’re F___________, or that you’re going to need to sit in a charging station for two hours.” The new batteries would end this anxiety. A StoreDot spokesperson said: “We’re at the point of achieving a revolution in the electric vehicle charging experience”. He said it means the switch from petrol to electric cars will happen much faster.

  1. but they are releasing engineering samples from a mass production line
  2. marking a significant step towards electric cars becoming as fast to charge as filling up petrol or diesel vehicles
  3. that this will reduce the amount of CO2 put into the atmosphere
  4. but running out of charge during a journey is a worry for drivers
  5. but this would require much higher-powered chargers than used today
  6. either afraid that you’re going to get stuck on the highway
  7. as they would mean electric cars would be able to travel as far as petrol cars

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