Задание 11 из ЕГЭ по английскому языку: задача 39

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Среднее время решения: 6 мин. 55 сек.

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Запишите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений.

The Stables Market, which is a mix of indoor and outdoor stalls, is a particularly atmospheric place to browse. Large part market is housed under huge railway arches. Expect to see plenty of exotic-looking furniture and household items, A ____________. When it comes to clothing, the Stables Market is very much at the alternative end of the spectrum, with stalls that cater particularly well for those with Goth and punk tastes. You certainly won’t find any high-street names B ______________.

If you’re into arts and crafts, Camden Lock Market is the place to head to. As well as original pottery, paintings and jewellery, you’ll find a plethora of second-hand books and clothes here. Being the original Camden Market, it takes place right on the canal, C________________. While its waterside setting undoubtedly makes it attractive, it can also make the market very difficult to negotiate, especially on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Be prepared to be jostled a little as you make your way along the narrow walkways. If it all gets too much, D_____________! On a rainy day, you can take shelter in the Electric Ballroom. A legendary music venue, it now houses an indoor market on Saturdays and Sundays. E _________________ the other Camden Markets have become seven-day rather than weekend-only operations in recent years, and there are several conventional street markets in the Camden area where you can pick up fresh products on any day of the week. Sunday remains the busiest day for the markets, however, so much so that the entrance to Camden Town Tube Station is closed on Sunday afternoons F ____________________.

  1. many of which are unique, handmade pieces
  2. you may prefer to escape on a private canal boat
  3. offering all things weird and wonderful
  4. where warehouses once stood
  5. to prevent overcrowding
  6. the organizers keep the cost of having a stall low
  7. as only independent traders are allowed to set up shop here

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