Задание 11 из ЕГЭ по английскому языку: задача 12

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Scientists Uncover Fungi That Can Break Down the Toughest Plastic in 140 Days

A 2020 Australian study found that humans generate 400 million tons of plastic per year. Much of that plastic is polypropylene, a sturdy material often used to make bottle caps, food containers, and plastic wrap. Typically, polypropylene can take hundreds of years to degrade, A___________, the waste is piling up.

Researchers at the University of Sydney think they have developed a solution to the world’s growing plastic waste problem: plastic-eating fungi. As the team described in their published study, the Aspergillus terreus and Engyodontium album fungi consumed 25 percent of polypropylene samples within 90 days. By day 140, it turned out B___________.

The results of the study shocked University of Sydney graduate student and study lead Amira Farzana Samat and chemical engineer Ali Abbas. “It’s the highest degradation rate reported in the literature C___________,” Abbas shared.

D___________, there are still issues to solve. First, the process of scaling up the experiment to a global level will take a minimum of five years of trials. Second, researchers worry that the results of the study could harm efforts to reduce plastic waste, as people will not feel the need to reduce the amount of plastic they consume. Additionally, researchers acknowledge that the fungi are not perfect for breaking down highly crystalline forms of plastic that are common in commercial materials.

E___________, the researchers are aiming to expedite the degradation process and remain hopeful that their study will positively impact the world. F___________, the world will finally have a promising solution to tackle one of our most pressing environmental issues.

  1. while the results of the initial study are promising
  2. considering the negative results
  3. despite these limitations and concerns
  4. that we know of in the world
  5. if the team succeeds
  6. the fungi had consumed 100 percent of the polypropylene samples
  7. and with the growing amount of plastic waste annually

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