Задание 10 из ЕГЭ по английскому языку: задача 39
Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
Заголовки | Тексты |
1. A totally unnecessary source 2. Let yourself enjoy tasty things 3. A drastic mistake 4. The ideal protein intake 5. Start cooking, stop taking out 6. What is a calorie? 7. Portion sizes matter 8. Think about food before eating | A. In the scientifi c sense, a calorie is the unit of energy needed to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius. When you think of calories, think of them like that: as energy, the stuff that keeps you going. It is necessary to find the balance, but you’re going to have a lot of problems trying to run on empty. Calories come from three main macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Everything you eat is some combinations of them. They all have uses in the body in appropriate amounts. B. The macronutrients all have complex sets of jobs in the body. Carbohydrates are a source of energy, and that’s pretty accurate. They’ve gotten a bad reputation in the last few decades, but your brain lives on sugar. You also may have read recently that sugar is addictive. A 2014 study from the University of Edinburgh found that people could show addictive behaviour around eating, but that sugar itself did not promote addictive behavior. So enjoy carbohydrates in the right amount for your activity level. C. Most people overeat added sugars, for example, you can find them in sweets or yougurt. It isn’t an ingredient that any of us need very much of — in fact, we don’t need it at all. The recommended sugar guidelines are no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugar a day for women or 9 teaspoons for men. But a recent study from the Manchester Research Centre found that Americans average 22.9 teaspoons of added sugar a day! We also know that excess added sugar consumption has been implicated as a risk factor for heart disease. D. When I was in nutrition school, we all learned the same thing: protein requirements are 0.8 to 1 gram per kilogram of bodyweight for healthy people. What we didn’t learn is that these numbers are the minimum protein requirements for healthy people. For active people, 2 grams per kilogram of bodyweight per day appears to be ideal. So if you’re working out regularly and are healthy, you may want to check that you’re eating enough protein. E. Weight is very individual, so what applies to me may not apply to you. However, I find that when I gain weight, it’s because of two things: I’m eating too much sugar, and I’m picking at everything in sight. If you’re trying to maintain or lose weight, cutting back on the mindless eating can help. Concentrate on what you’re eating. It helps you tune into your body’s hunger and satiety cues, so you’re not eating too little or too much. F. Eating healthier is work. But putting in the effort to cook for yourself is so worth it, especially in the long-term. Cooking for yourself means you’re taking control of what you put into your body, and that’s a good thing. As for me, I’ve started by grocery shopping on a weekend and preparing one or two proteins and two to three vegetables for the week ahead. This way, I’ve been ready for meals, and not scrambling for the takeout menus at the end of the day on my way home from work. G. Trigger foods are the ones that make you lose all control once you start eating them. One option is to avoid keeping your trigger foods in the house, but buying them when you feel like it. If you don’t have a constant wish of your favourite chocolate bars, you can’t grab one to distract you when you’re bored. It’s normal to struggle a bit with moderation around trigger foods, and it’s also normal to go overboard sometimes. |
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Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
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Установите соответствие между членами предложения A–E и их определениями 1–5. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. Запишите выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.