Задание 10 из ЕГЭ по английскому языку: задача 40

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Среднее время решения: 7 мин. 4 сек.

Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

Заголовки Тексты
1. Having an exit strategy

2. Focus less on gifts and presents

3. Beware oftaking on too much

4. Learn to delegate tasks

5. Have realistic expectations

6. Don’t skip the exercise

7. Set a budget and stick to it

8. Be open to change

A. Some people are under the impression that the holidays are a time to relax and to take a step back from the worries ofday-to-day life. Apparently those with this opinion have never had to host a dinner, plan a toy drive or shop for picky relatives. When you find yourself, for example, offering to cook the honey-baked ham at your house, be sure to know your limitations, and beware oftaking on any unnecessary stress. This isn’t the time to be an overachiever.

B. Sometimes it is impossible to skip the holiday invitations that will place you in the same room with people that you could definitely wait another year to see. However, don’t deprive yourselfofthe joy ofhaving a good meal with loved ones or watching children tear into their perfectly wrapped gifts with a frenzy. Instead, have a plan in mind. Sometimes there’s nothing more freeing than the possibility ofan escape plan!

C. Holiday retail is characterized by its overwhelming power. It makes people fill up the shopping cart quickly and they often notice that their shopping cart is full but they haven’t bought the halfofgifts. Ofcourse, it creates months ofstress when the credit bills start rolling in. Trying to keep to a budget can be difficult, especially when prices never seem to go down. But creating a list with gift ideas, including estimated pricing, can be very useful.

D. Some people are already on a strict training, when holidays come. They regularly practice jogging or swim in the swimming pool. At the same time, a lot ofthem use the holidays as an excuse to turn back into a couch potato. People can definitely take a step back, because they often skip exercise on Christmas Eve or other days. But they should remember to keep active.

E. Things may not always go according to plan, especially during the holidays. It is the time when schedules change and a lot ofwork may pile up during time off. The best way to face these difficulties is with an open mind, ready to do the best. Dinner may be held at a different time this year, or your fl ight might be unexpectedly rescheduled. But don’t see these incidents as negative. Enjoy the holiday!

F. With kids in the house it’s easy to fill the space completely under the Christmas tree with wrapped boxes and ribbon and bows, big and small. It’s a happy sight — for kids, and for parents. It invites the wonder into the kids’ lives. But honestly, it doesn’t take much to do that ifwe’re mindful and engaged. It is necessary to allow the kids to receive the gifts they are given, not just unwrap with curiosity and move on to the next. In this way, they will learn appreciation and gratitude.

G. Coping with holiday stress need not be difficult. We all long to have the ideal holiday gathering: a lovely party with your family and friends, a magnificent dinner, and wonderful gifts perfectly wrapped under a spectacular tree. Unfortunately, perfection is seldom easy, especially at Christmas! There is no perfect gift, or tree, or family! There will be a few disadvantages… burnt cookies, toys without batteries and differences in opinions. Accept that things are what they are and try focusing on pleasant things instead.

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Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

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Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

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Установите соответствие между предложениями 1–5 и временами, к которым они относятся. Ответ впишите в таблицу последовательностью цифр (например, 11122).


A. Masha (LE…

Установите соответствие между членами предложения A–E и их определениями 1–5. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. Запишите выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.