Задание 10 из ЕГЭ по английскому языку: задача 11
Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
Заголовки | Тексты |
1. Unusual passengers
2. A pet hotel 3. An amazing skill 4. Dancing for the record 5. A strange job 6. Jump, jump, jump! 7. The closest black hole 8. Jumping pets | A.The Axolotl salamander has an astonishing ability to regenerate body organs and lost limbs. Incredibly, an Axolotl can grow back lost body parts in only a few weeks. It can even regenerate its lungs, heart, spinal cord and parts of its brain, if it suffers a head injury and heals without any scarring. However, there appears to be a limit of how many times the Axolotl is capable of regrowing a limb. Scientists discovered that by the fifth time, few limbs could regrow to their previous potential and instead, scar tissue started to form. B. By sifting through data released by the Gaia spacecraft, astrophysicists discovered a black hole that’s just over 1,560 light-years from Earth. Named Gaia BH1, it’s about twice as close as the previously nearest known black hole. But that record may not stand. About 100 million black holes are predicted to exist in the Milky Way. Since most are invisible, they’re hard to find. But when Gaia, which is precisely mapping a billion stars, releases its next batch of data in a few years, even closer black holes may turn up. C. In Hong Kong, one of the world’s most densely populated cities, where most apartments range from small to miniscule, rabbits are popular pets. And when their owners are away, there are rabbit lovers ready to look after their lonely pets at Bunny Style, a luxury rabbit resort. Guests at Bunny Style can scamper around a play area in a climate- controlled building, climb a castle made of wood, or explore a cotton tunnel. Donna Li, the owner of the resort, keeps her guests happy with regular exercise, parties, spa treatments and lots of carrots. D. Filipino athlete Ryan Alonzo has set a second Guinness World Record in the high-intensity activity of jump rope, the organisation said in October. Nicknamed “Skipman”, the 35-year-old completed 3,731 consecutive crossovers, which are done by crossing the arms in and out while skipping over the rope as it goes around the body. The previous record was 2,405 consecutive crossovers. Alonzo’s earlier record was set in 2021, when he performed 40,980 double-under skips in 12 hours. That involves the rope passing around the body twice in a single jump. E. Russia and North Korea restarted train travel for the first time since railway journeys were cut during the COVID pandemic with an unusually opulent cargo — 30 grey thoroughbred horses. A freight train carrying the “Orlov Trotter” horses left Russia’s Far East through the Khasan — Tumangan crossing, according to Russia’s veterinary service. It posted a picture of several horses in a train wagon. The animals, 5 stallions, 25 mares, were quarantined in the city of Suzdal, Vladimir region, and then arrived at the Khasan railway checkpoint in three specially equipped trucks. F.A German dog trainer earned a Guinness World Record with his team of talented dogs. Wolfgang Lauenburger scored the record for most dogs in a conga line when his 14 fluffy students arranged themselves into the party dance formation under his instruction. Lauenbruger, an accomplished trainer with multiple Guinness World Records, took the record from his own daughter, Alexa Lauenbruger, who managed to get 9 dogs to dance in one single line in February 2022. G. Shoji Morimoto has what some would see as a dream job: he gets paid to do pretty much nothing. The 38-year-old Tokyo resident charges 10,000 yen ($71) per booking to accompany clients and simply exist as a companion. Morimoto handled some 4,000 sessions in the past four years. Morimoto now boasts nearly a quarter of a million followers online. But what exactly does he do? For example, one time he got paid to wave through a train window at a complete stranger who wanted someone to send him off on a trip. |
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…Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
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