Задание 10 из ЕГЭ по английскому языку: задача 10
Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
Заголовки | Тексты |
1. The Real Burger King
2. Learning about space 3. An unwelcome guest 4. A medical discovery 5. Too hard to breathe 6. How to stay young 7. A trip to space 8. Not what it seems | A.What’s covered in gold, costs $700, weighs 8 ounces and is edible in Philadelphia? Answer: a hamburger. At the bottom of the main page of the menu at the “Drury Beer Garden” in Philly is a very, very expensive burger. For $700, you can get the Gold Standard. That’s a Wagyu meat burger with caviar, fresh black truffle, lobster flambeed with cognac, topped with aged Irish cheddar and drizzled with honey. George Tsiouris, a co-owner of the restaurant, said, “We are excited to provide our guests some amazing, creative and tasty options with our new menu concept.” B. Broadway theater performances of “Hamilton,” “Camelot,” and “Hamlet” are canceled due to the poor air quality in New York related to raging wildfires in Canada. “Tonight’s performance of Hamilton will not go on as scheduled. The hazardous air quality in New York City has made it impossible for a number of our artists to perform this evening,” the musical’s post said Wednesday. The air in New York is reported to break all-time records for toxicity, and hundreds of local citizens experience breathing problems, headaches, and sore eyes. C. NASA is giving schools across the US the opportunity to receive historical objects from the agency to be used for educational purposes. The space agency opened applications for the NASA Artifacts Program. Schools, universities, libraries and planetariums can apply to receive various space artifacts through June 30. “NASA’s Artifacts program offers an opportunity to encourage the next generation of science, technology, engineering, math students, and many other space enthusiasts, with these priceless artifacts to share the agency’s awe-inspiring accomplishments,” Lauren Katz, artifacts program manager, said in a statement. D. The benefits of friendships and activity aren't just for the young. Staying socially active can also help older adults age their best, according to new research that pinpoints volunteering and recreational activities as important for seniors. To study this, the researchers analyzed data from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging of more than 7,000 Canadians aged 60 and older, following them for three years. The findings showed that those who participated in volunteer work and recreational activities were more likely to maintain excellent health. They also were less likely to develop physical, cognitive (“thinking”), mental or emotional problems. E. A deer crashed through a window into a New Jersey woman’s home and took a swim in her backyard pool. Dianne Twersky, 85, said she was at home when she heard a crashing noise coming from downstairs. “I heard a glass explosion, the house was shaking and banging, and I was sure it was an earthquake,” Twersky recalled. Downstairs, she discovered a panicking deer. Twersky called her grandchildren who then called 911. Animal control officers opened the back door of the home, and the deer quickly darted out, jumping into the pool. The officers helped the deer out of the pool and released it back into the wild. F.Police in Florida responded to a beach to round up what appeared to be a large alligator but was soon discovered to be a realistic sand sculpture. “Wow! Look at the size of that gator one of our officers tried rounding up on the beach last night,” the Treasure Island Police Department wrote online. The video shows an officer poking at the tail of the not-reptile, and learning it was actually a well-designed sand sculpture. “We love the talented people creating works of art in the sand, but please remember to flatten sandcastles/sculptures before you leave.” the post added. G. Commander Sergey Prokopyev and Flight Engineer Dmitri Petelin are getting ready for their third spacewalk together since April set to begin on Friday. They will leave the Poisk airlock at 11:55 a.m. in their Orlan spacesuits and move toward the Nauka science module to activate a radiator they installed on April 19 during a previous spacewalk. The duo spent Wednesday inside Poisk setting up their Orlan spacesuits for the planned six-plus-hour spacewalk. They checked the suits for leaks, then installed batteries, helmet cameras, and other communications gear on the Orlans. |
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…Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
Заголовки | Тексты |
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