Задание 15 из ЕГЭ по английскому языку: задача 4

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Longyearbyen: the Northernmost City in the World

Have you ever wondered what the ‘most northern’ city in the world is? Well, here’s your answer! Longyearbyen, the administrative centre of Svalbard, is a tiny Norwegian metropolis with 2,400 residents from almost 53 different countries. The small Arctic town is inhabited by nature enthusiasts who live in close unity under tough climatic conditions with the High Arctic wilderness right on their doorstep. Longyearbyen is the gateway to the nature-based experiences and the starting point for most adventures in Svalbard. This Arctic wilderness starts virtually in the town centre and never ends!

Maybe it seems a bit over the top to call our little town a metropolis. However, with its vitality, international vibe and warm people in wonderful surroundings, that’s exactly how we perceive it. Longyearbyen’s central location in a geopolitically interesting Arctic also contributes to it being perceived as larger than it actually is. Furthermore, the range of services on offer to residents and guests is surprisingly extensive with a wide range of shops, restaurants and bars, along with varied cultural offerings. In Longyearbyen, the North Pole is right around the corner from the pub. Perhaps some find it strange that a settlement so incredibly far north has its own brewery, chocolaterie and greenhouse that supplies us with fresh herbs and vegetables, but that’s just the way it is!

Although the tiny metropolis may appear a bit “harsh” with a rough industrial exterior, Longyearbyen is renowned for its hospitality and high level of comfort. Most people enjoy themselves in Longyearbyen and quickly feel they belong here. Many are bitten by the “Arctic bug” and refuse to move southwards. “I only planned to be here for one year, but I’ve been here for many years now,” is a comment you hear virtually every day. Nevertheless, Longyearbyen is a place people come to work and not somewhere they can spend their entire lives. The average time people live in Svalbard is seven years, according to “Statistics Norway”.

The residents of Longyearbyen feel that we live completely normal everyday lives. However, those looking from the outside often perceive our everyday life as somewhat extraordinary. The polar bears are never far away, so it’s a necessity to carry weapons when we venture outside the settlement. The climate is harsh and unpredictable. Some people find the contrasts and changes between light and dark challenging, while others think it’s wonderful.

There are several fun facts about Longyearbyen that may seem strange to visitors. To name just a few: for example, there are separate “roads” in the town centre for snowmobiles. The streets in Longyearbyen have numbers instead of names. We only have one grocery store. We are used to living next door to reindeer, and seeing whales swimming in the fjord from our lounge window is not an uncommon occurrence. We still take off our shoes when we enter hotels and restaurants, a tradition that has arisen from the problem with coal dust in the old days. All the mining infrastructure is protected and remains as surreal monuments in and around the settlement. Finally, Longyearbyen has a university centre with 300 students, all of whom must learn to use firearms... remember the bears, right?

We gladly have a drink with our colleagues outside after work while wearing mittens. During the winter darkness, we need to wear a headlamp on our way to work, and it’s common to see the Northern Lights dancing in the sky when we head outside to meet a friend for lunch. In the summertime, you often go out with the Midnight Sun shining brightly on your face. Longyearbyen is home to around 1,000 eager polar dogs who will gladly take you out into the wilderness, while the toughest residents are members of the local snowmobile club, “Sons of Svalbard”. One thing we really enjoy is packing our snowmobile sleds after work on Fridays and setting off on weekend trips in the Arctic wilderness with our family or friends.

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In Longyearbyen, carrying a gun with you is ...

  1. forbidden by the law.
  2. very unusual.
  3. necessary because of the dangerous animals.
  4. strange but common.

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