Задание 11 из ЕГЭ по английскому языку: задача 44

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Being celebrity-thin can ruin your health

Celebrities may feel they need to be slimmer than ever, but staying super-thin can seriously damage your health. Nutritionist Juliette Kellow warns that maintaining a reed-thin physique can pave the way for future illnesses. People who take slimming-down too far A_______.
If food intake is low, it’s more likely you will be lacking in vitamins and minerals. ‘The body will try to protect itself and direct any nutrients available to vital areas rather than hair and nails,’ explains Juliette. ‘So looks start to suffer and you could lose that healthy glow, so highly prized in Hollywood.’
Stars who cut out dairy products are laying themselves open to future bone problems. Calcium and nutrient deficiencies can encourage the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis. Also, the lighter a person is, B_______. ‘That’s why it’s good to do weight-bearing and aerobic exercises in the gym,’ says Juliette.
The body’s immune system can suffer the effects of nutrient deficiencies. You have less ability to fight off colds, flu and bugs, and so C_______. ‘Underweight people would need to eat immunity-boosting foods such as red peppers, berries and citrus fruits. They would also need to increase their zinc intake to help fight infection,’ says Juliette.
Lack of calories can mean lack of energy. The body converts calories into energy and without them it simply does not have enough fuel to run on. Just getting through the day can be an ordeal. D_______
If there’s not enough food moving round the body, it could lead to a sluggish digestive system, discomfort and bloating. Low levels of iron mean you’re not making enough hemoglobin — responsible for red blood cells and transporting oxygen round the body. ‘People on a diet are probably E_______, such as fortified breakfast cereals, red meat, oily fish, leafy green vegetables, nuts and seeds,’ says Juliette.
Forty per cent of women under 34 in the UK were shown to be at risk of anemia due to iron deficiency. Symptoms include tiredness, weakness, dizziness, paleness of skin, brittle nails and headaches. But the deficiency can play a part F_______such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and other infections.

1. become more susceptible to infection
2. you could feel tired all the time
3. more likely to skip foods rich in iron
4. could develop some serious diseases
5. in leading to chronic illnesses
6. in helping to lead a healthy way of life
7. the less weight stress there is on the bones

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