Задание 11 из ЕГЭ по английскому языку: задача 21

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Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Запишите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в поле ответа.

Lake Baikal is the largest freshwater lake in the world and the world’s deepest lake. It is located in south-central Russia near the Mongolian border. The largest nearby city is Irkutsk. Lake Baikal has historically played a large role in the Russian imagination, A___________. Lake Baikal plays a central part in many local creation myths and appears throughout Russian folklore. It attracts more than 500,000 tourists a year, according to The Siberian Times.

B___________, Lake Baikal is the oldest lake in the world. It and the surrounding mountains were formed by the Earth’s crust fracturing and moving. It is likely that a series of lakes, similar to the Great Lakes, developed first and then united. There are several theories about what could have caused the unification, C___________. Likely, it was a combination of all factors.

Lake Baikal is considered one of the clearest lakes in the world. During the summer, D___________, it is sometimes possible to see more than 130 feet (39 m) down. The stunning clarity is the result of the melted ice’s purity, plankton that eat floating debris and a lack of mineral salts in the lake.

About 80 percent of the more than 3,700 species found at Lake Baikal are endemic, E___________. Probably the most famous of these species is the nerpa, the world’s only exclusively freshwater seal. Scientists are unsure how the nerpa came to Lake Baikal and evolved, but they suspect the seals might have swum down a prehistoric river from the Arctic. Other endemic species include the oily, scaleless golomyanka fi sh and the omul, F___________. Other land-based species around Lake Baikal include bears, reindeer, elks, wild boar, Siberian roe deer, polecats, ermine, sables and wolves.

  1. at least 25 million years old
  2. who first discovered the lake back in the day
  3. a white fish that is one of Lake Baikal’s most famous fishes
  4. when the lake is full of melted ice from the Siberian mountains
  5. meaning they are found nowhere else on Earth
  6. representing the unspoiled beauty of Russia
  7. including sinking earth, falling rocks, erosion and earthquakes

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