Задание 15 из ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Страница 4

За это задание вы можете получить 1 балл на ЕГЭ в 2025 году
Разбор сложных заданий в тг-канале:
Задача 61

Waitress wanted

Trudy was excited. Well, actually, Trudy was more nervous than excited but she wasn't going to let anyone know it, especially her new co-worker Karen Baines. Tr…

Задача 62


In some heavily multilingual areas of the world, most people learn a lingua franca - a regional trade language - in addition to their mother tongue. But when someone prop…

Задача 63


It was my first brand new bike. Nothing fancy (the cheapest Ridgeback on the market) but I was really proud of it and I loved it.

Two months later, on …

Задача 64

Jason Noorthoek Jr. didn't want to go outside. It was pitch-black, and he was afraid there might be coyotes 'as big as pigs'. But the 12-year-old didn't have a choi…

Задача 65

Psychology has identified two different prescriptions for how to solve the personal problems that people face today: self-esteem and selfcontrol. Both have been touted as ways to r…

Задача 66

I have never walked through an airport body scanner — or, as I think of it, “the cancer machine.” In the years since these radiation chambers began appearing in airports across the…

Задача 67

We all fall down. But while a tumble for a toddler is a learning experience, and a stumble for an adult is usually just embarrassing, for older people it can be a serious, even fat…

Задача 68

I’m not buying an Apple Watch. It's not because I'm cheap, or a Luddite or not fully initiated into the Cult of Steve. I'm not buying one because it would make my life …

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