Задание 10 из ЕГЭ по английскому языку: задача 16
Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
Заголовки | Тексты |
1. Reduction of collision risk
2. Destruction of heritage 3. Superhuman powers 4. Health reasons 5. Recruits from fitness gyms 6. Bite the tongue 7. Reduce the impact on the planet 8. Going back to Motherland | A.The CEO of one of the world’s largest mining companies, Rio Tinto, has resigned following the destruction of two sacred Aboriginal sites. The company was mining for high-grade iron ore. The CEO acknowledged there was no doubt the company could have made “better decisions”. The ancient caves are sacred to Australia’s indigenous Aboriginal communities. There is evidence to show they were used as dwellings as far back as the Old Stone Age, when humans were developing stone tools. B. The potato chip maker Pringles has improved its packaging. Pringles is well known for its large, round, stacked crisps as well as for its cylindrical container. However, the container has been criticised for being bad for the environment. Chiefs at Pringles went back to the drawing board to make the packaging easier to recycle. They spent 12 months designing a new tube. This move was part of the company’s promise to switch to 100 per cent reusable, recyclable or compostable packaging by the year 2025. C. Pope Francis has said gossiping is a danger that divides communities. He added that the devil is the “biggest gossiper” who is seeking to create division with his lies. The Pope spoke about the dangers of gossiping during his weekly blessing at the Vatican. He said: “Please brothers and sisters, let’s try to not gossip”. The Pope has regularly spoken about the dangers of gossiping, especially on social media. He added: “If something goes wrong, offer silence and prayer for the brother or sister who make a mistake, but never gossip”. D. A sushi restaurant in Japan has come up with an idea to help its business. It is using bodybuilders to deliver sushi. The restaurant is located in central Japan and is owned by 41-year-old Masanori Sugiura. As well as being a sushi chef, Mr Sugiura is a bodybuilder. He wanted to increase sales in his restaurant after the number of customers dropped because of coronavirus. Customers need to order a minimum of 7,000 yen ($66) of sushi to get their food delivered by a bodybuilder. E. The American R&B singer Akon has said his plans to build a city from scratch will go ahead. Akon has raised funds for a futuristic metropolis with a population of 300,000 people. It will be called Akon City and be built on the coast of Senegal on Africa’s west coast. Akon has Senegalese roots. He was born in the USA to Senegalese parents and spent much of his childhood in Africa. He hopes his undertaking will provide much-needed employment for Senegalese. F.Elon Musk has shown off a pig with a computer chip in her brain that could lead to computer-to-brain technology in humans. Mr Musk has an impressive record in pioneering technology, from electric cars to space tourism. Gertrude the pig reveals his latest ambition — to allow us to control computers with our brains. Computers could enhance our brainpower. Musk announced that trials would begin on humans one day. Mr Musk said results from Gertrude the pig showed the potential the technology could deliver. G. There are many advantages of wind turbines and wind farms. They are important in providing green energy. However, there are also some disadvantages. One of these is that the giant blades on turbines kill thousands of birds. Many birds accidentally fly into the blades and die. Researchers have found a solution. They say painting one blade black could help birds see the rotating blades. This could cut bird strikes by up to 70 per cent. |
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Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
Заголовки | Тексты |
1. A new type of … |
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Предложения A. Masha (LE… |
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